

Dipartimento di scienze Matematiche e Informatiche, scienze Fisiche e scienze della Terra dell'Università degli Studi di Messina Viale Ferdinando Stagno d'Alcontres, 31 - 98166 Messina
+39 348 2217420
Researcher and aggregate professor at the MIFT Department (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Earth's Science of the University of Messina, Italy


Giorgio has been teaching and researching at the MIFT (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Earth's Science) Department of the Messina University for over twenty years, has taught courses in Topology, Computer Science, Digital Geometry and Computational Geometry, has written over forty scientific articles, has been a member of numerous scientific committees of international workshops and conferences, has been a visiting researcher in the United States, Spain and Russia and is accredited as a referee for many scientific journals.


MIFT Department of Messina University, Viale F. Stagno D'Alcontres, 31 -Contrada Papardo - 98166 - Messina, Italy
Messina University:
Giorgio Nordo at Messina University
Google Scholar:
Giorgio Nordo at Google Scholar
Giorgio Nordo at ResearchGate
Giorgio Nordo at
Giorgio Nordo at Arxiv
ACM Digital Library:
Giorgio Nordo at ACM
Giorgio Nordo at Vixra
Giorgio Nordo at Scopus
Giorgio Nordo at Publons
Giorgio Nordo at
Giorgio Nordo at ZbMath
Giorgio Nordo at GitHub


8 (ResearchGate)
9 (Google Scholar)
5 (Scopus)
209 (ResearchGate)
Dijkstra number:
Erdős number:


  • General Topology
  • Fibrewise Topology
  • Digital Geometry
  • Soft Topology
  • Neutrosophic Topology


Giorgio lives in Reggio Calabria with his partner Paola who works in tourism, has two children: Matteo 17 years old and Alessandro 9 years old. Always passionate about programming and web development, training and scientific dissemination, alternating his academic work with commitment to the non-profit association Calabria Formazione and political interests. He loves reading, art, hiking, visiting new countries, playing chess, watching good movies and in the past he has also practised parachuting.



  • Now
    Nov, 2005
    Messina, Italy

    Aggregate Professor

    University of Messina

    Teaching the courses of:
    • Fundamentals of Computer Science (Fondamenti di Informatica) for the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (L-35)
    • Models and Computational Methods for Geometry (Modelli e Metodi Computazionali per la Geometria) for the Master’s degree course in Mathematics (LM-40)
    at MIFT Department of the Messina University.
    In the past I have also taught courses in Topology, Geometry III, Digital Topology, Institutions of Higher Geometry and Computational Geometry.
  • Now
    Feb, 1997
    Messina, Italy

    Confirmed Researcher

    University of Messina

    Confirmed Researcher in the scientific disciplinary field MAT/03 (Geometry). Research activities in the fields of General Topology, Fibrewise Topology, Digital Geometry, Soft Topology, and Neutrosophic Topology.
  • 1993
    Roma, Italy

    Ph.D. in Mathematics

    Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Dottorato di Ricerca Catania- Messina-Palermo, 8th cycle

    ISCED 6, 6th level of the European Union classification 85/368/EEC
    Research in Fibrewise Topology.
    Main Topics: General Topology, Fibrewise General Topology, Combinatorial Geometry, Hypergroups Theory.
    Title of the Ph.D. Thesis: "Compattificazioni perfette di funzioni" (Perfect compactifications of mappings)
    • Prof. F. Cammaroto (Messina University)
    • Prof. J.R. Porter (Kansas University, Lawrence, USA
  • 1986
    Messina, Italy

    Master’s Degree in Mathematics

    University of Messina

    ISCED 5, 5th level of the European Union classification 85/368/EEC
    Main Topics: Algebra, Analysis, Computer Science, Geometry, Numerical Analysis, General Topology.
    Title of the thesis: "Introduzione alla teoria dei frattali" (Introduction to fractals theory)
    Supervisor: Prof. F. Cammaroto (Messina University)
    Grade: 110/110 cum laude



General Topology


As is well known, General Topology (also called topology of point sets) is the branch of topology that studies the elementary properties of topological spaces and structures defined on them.
The work "F-Hurewicz spaces aims to generalize the well-known covering property introduced by Hurewicz by means of a fixed free ultrafilter of the rest of the Stone-Cech compactification of natural numbers. This new class of spaces is characterized by means of a selection principle between the set of omega-recoveries and the set of wide and F-groupable coverings.

Fibrewise General Topology

In General Topology, continuous functions occur naturally as more general objects than spaces. In fact, it is evident that every topological space can be trivially identified with a continuous function defined on it and with values in a space consisting of a single point. Since the early 1950s, this simple observation has suggested the idea of studying particular properties of continuous functions which, – reflecting in some way known properties for spaces – could generalize them. In 1975 Uljanov, studying first numerable compactifications of topological spaces, gave an impetus to this theme by introducing the notion of Hausdorff function, but it was not until 1984 that Pasynkov dealt in a broad and systematic way with the generalization of notions and properties of spaces to continuous functions, thus laying the foundations of the Fibrewise General Topology for Fibre (briefly FGT).
FGT is a relatively new area of research whose main goal is to generalize to continuous functions notions and properties originally defined for topological spaces. From a categorical point of view, this means replacing the study of the category \mathrm{Top} whose objects are topological spaces and morphisms continuous functions, with the study of the category \mathrm{Top}_Y in which the objects are all continuous functions on a fixed topological space Y and the morphisms are the continuous functions that make the triangular diagram of two objects commute.
Because a property \mathcal{P}_Y of \mathrm{Top}_Y can be considered a generalization of a corresponding property \mathcal{P} of \mathrm{Top} it must coincide with \mathcal{P} whenever the space Y reduces to a point, that is, when every object f : X\to Y of \mathrm{Top}_Y can be identified with the space X i.e. with an object of \mathrm{Top}.
Sometimes, the analogous property \mathcal{P}_Y in \mathrm{Top}_Y of a property \mathcal{P} of \mathrm{Top} can be obtained rather easily, being -- for example -- well known that the analogue in \mathrm{Top}_Y of compact spaces are perfect functions. In other cases (e.g., for the separation axioms T_0 and T_1), the property \mathcal{P}_Y can be obtained simply by requiring that the corresponding property \mathcal{P} be satisfied on every fiber of the functions, but in most cases new and more complex definitions must be given. The advantage of this kind of approach lies mainly in the fact that almost all the main statements of Classical Topology can be easily obtained from simple and elegant FGT propositions in the case where the space Y reduces to a singleton.
Investigation in this area of research has involved several properties of continuous functions such as several axioms of separations and compactness as well as notions such as compactness and metrizability of a function. In particular, in the paper "On completion of metric mapping" the notion of Cauchy net tied to a point has been introduced in order to provide a characterization of complete functions (introduced by Nordo and Pasynkov in 2002) and to describe a general method for the construction of complete extensions of any continuous function. The paper "On trivially semi-metrizable and D-completely regular mappings" is also in the area of fibrewise general topology. In it, through the introduction of the notions of function T-metrizable and T-semi-metrizable, they are characterized in terms of parallelism to symmetrizable, semi-metrizable and D-completely regular spaces, respectively, and it is also proved that the subfunctions of D-completely regular functions (i.e., the subfunctions of a fiber product of developable functions) coincide (barring homemorphisms) with the subfunctions of fiber products of semi-metrizable functions.

Digital Geometry

Digital Geometry studies the combinatorial and topological properties of discrete sets (digital objects) such as computer generated images, digitized images, or digital models in 2D or 3D space. The study of this discipline, introduced by Rosenfeld and Kong in the 1980s for binary images, has been reformulated by Kovalevsky, Eckhardt and Latecki in a more general context. Digital Geometry has useful applications in areas such as computer graphics and image analysis, and some of the main lines of research involve the study of properties such as digital convexity, digital straightness and digital flatness. Digital Topology studies the properties of digitized objects (sets of pixels or voxels) that correspond to the topological properties of the original objects. Originating from the early fundamental work of Kopperman, Herman, Khalimksy and Kovalevsky, this branch of Digital Geometry provides the theoretical basis for operations such as digitization, searching and counting connected components, frontier extraction, closed area filling and thinning of 2, 3 or multi-dimensional digital images. Among the different approaches described in the literature to define a topology on an n-dimensional digital space are the cellular complexes introduced by Kovalevsky or, equivalently, the product of Khalimsky topologies on a grid of integers. Many computational applications in computer graphics or image analysis need to represent and manipulate discrete subsets of a digital space, and since the size of the input can become very large, the need arises to represent these sets in a compact form. On the other hand, many topological notions (such as, for example, that of gap) have a rather complex formulation in the context of cellular complexes that makes them unsuitable for translating theoretical results into algorithms for concrete computational implementations. For this reason, the need has recently arisen to represent the notions and the main properties of digital spaces through the use of an algebraic-topological framework that also allows to describe the data structures for digital objects and the operations (algorithms) applicable to them. Through the use of combinatorial, topological and computational techniques, the local research unit aims to complete the study - already undertaken - of the relationships between the notions of gap and dimension of a digital object as well as to define an organic set of relationships and algebraic-topological tools that allow to represent, in a single framework, the notions, properties, elementary operations and algorithms of digital objects and their underlying data structures in computational applications.
Research activity in Digital Geometry initially focused on the study of gaps in a two-dimensional binary image. This number characterizes the structure of a digital image and is of considerable interest in various computational and image analysis applications. In this case, after providing a classification of the types of gaps (or tunnels) of a 2D digital object, a combinatorial approach based on the notion of free vertex has been followed which has allowed to obtain a general formula able to provide the number of gaps by means of some intrinsic parameters of the object in a manner analogous to what happens for the classical Euler formula. The methods and tools used in this investigation appeared suitable for generalizations in digital spaces of arbitrary dimension.

Soft topology

Soft topological spaces are particular topological structures defined on soft sets, a notion introduced in 1999 by Molodtsov, as a generalization of fuzzy sets, as a useful tool for modeling problems in computer science, physics, economics, social sciences, medical sciences, etc. Soft sets are defined as a parameterized family of subsets of a universe in which each element is considered as an approximate set of elements.
In this area, the research activity has focused mainly on the study of soft bi-topological spaces and of some properties of the neutrosophic soft topological spaces, in particular of some separation axioms. Recently, I have defined the notion of soft N-topological space as generalization both of the concepts of soft topological space given by Shabir and Naz and that of N-topological space as introduced by Tawfiq and Majeed and, independently, by Khan and I have investigated some basic properties of such class of spaces with particular regard to its subspaces and to the parameterized families of crisp topologies generated by the soft N-space, also introducing some new separation axioms called N-wise soft T_0, N-wise soft T_1, and N-wise soft T_2.

Biharmonic Problems and Applications

The collaboration with Prof. Hovik A. Matevossian of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow and the fruitful exchange of methods, techniques and knowledge between different research areas (in this case, General Topology and Theory of Partial Derivative Differential Equations) allowed to study some properties of the solutions of Steklov-type boundary problems for biharmonic equations that can find some practical applications in Engineering and Medicine.

Neutrosophic Topology

The notion of neutrosophic set was introduced in 1999 by Smarandache as a generalization of both the notions of fuzzy set introduced by Zadeh in 1965 and intuitionistic fuzzy set introduced by Atanassov in 1983.
In 2012, Salama and Alblowi introduced the notion of neutrosophic topological space which generalizes both fuzzy topological spaces given by Chang and that of intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces given by Coker.
Further contributions to Neutrosophic Sets Theory, which also involve many fields of theoretical and applied mathematics were recently given by numerous authors and, at the moment, the various areas of research derived from the Neutrosophic Theory of Smarandache know a particularly lively scientific production.
Research activity in this area has focused on the study of single valued filters and on some properties of the neutrosophic soft topological spaces.

  • 2018
    Messina, Italy

    Research Unit on Soft and Neutrosophical Topology

    University of Messina

    coordinator of the research unit
  • 2010
    Messina, Italy

    PRIN 2010-2012 dal titolo: "Teoria dei Disegni, Teoria Spettrale dei Grafi, Teorie Combinatorie e loro Applicazioni"

    Università di Messina

    Protocollo: 20087P8MN2_004
    Area: 01
    Durata: 24 mesi (dal 22-03-2010 al 22-09-2012)
    Impegno: 5 mesi uomo nel I anno (2010), 5 mesi uomo nel II anno (2011)
    Coordinatore scientifico: prof. Mario Gionfriddo
    Responsabile scientifico: prof. Giovanni Lo Faro
  • 2006
    Messina, Italy

    PRIN 2006-2008 dal titolo: "Grafi, Disegni, Codici e loro Applicazioni"

    Università di Catania

    Protocollo: 2005018845_005
    Area: 01
    Durata: 24 mesi (dal 30-01-2006 al 29-01-2008)
    Impegno: 5 mesi uomo nel I anno (2006), 5 mesi uomo nel II anno (2007)
    Coordinatore scientifico: prof. Guglielmo Lunardon
    Responsabile scientifico: prof. Mario Gionfriddo
  • 2005
    Messina, Italy

    PRA 2005 dell'Università degli Studi di Messina dal titolo "Geometria Digitale"

    Università di Messina

    Protocollo: ORME058915
    Area: 01 - Scienze matematiche e informatiche
    Durata: dal 01-10-2005 al 30-09-2006
    Impegno: 6 mesi uomo
    Responsabile scientifico: Giorgio Nordo
  • 2003
    Messina, Italy

    PRIN 2001-2004 dal titolo: "Disegni, Ipergrafi e loro Applicazioni" per il biennio 2003-2004

    Università di Messina

    Protocollo: 2003013538_002
    Area: 01
    Durata: 24 mesi (dal 20-11-2003 al 19-11-2005)
    Impegno: 5 mesi uomo nel I anno (2003), 5 mesi uomo nel II anno (2004) Coordinatore scientifico: prof. Guglielmo Lunardon
    Responsabile scientifico: prof. Giovanni Lo Faro
  • 2001
    Messina, Italy

    PRIN 2001-2004 dal titolo: "Disegni, Ipergrafi e loro Applicazioni" per il biennio 2001-2002

    Università di Messina

    Protocollo: 2001017228_002
    Area: 01
    Durata: 24 mesi (dal 12-12-2001 al 19-11-2003)
    Impegno: 6 mesi uomo nel I anno (2001), 6 mesi uomo nel II anno (2002)
    Coordinatore scientifico: prof. Guglielmo Lunardon
    Responsabile scientifico: prof. Giovanni Lo Faro

Prof. Valentin E. Brimkov, SUNY Buffalo State College, USA


Prof. Reneta Barneva, Fredonia State University of New York, USA


Prof. Filippo Cammaroto, University of Messina, Italy


Prof. Yanxun Chang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China


Prof. Reinhard Klette, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand and Shandong Academy of Sciences, China


Dr. Arif Mehmood, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan


Niš University, Serbia
Prof. Ljubisa D.R. Kocinac,


Prof. Hovik Matevossian, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control”, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia and Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


Marta Macho Stadler, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain


Prof. Boris A. Pasynkov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia


Prof. Jack R. Porter, Kansas University, Lawrence, USA


Prof. Saeid Jafari, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria


Dr. Said Broumi, Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco

  • 2019

    XXI Conferenza Europea della Fondazione De Benedetti


    June 15th, 2019
  • 2018

    IC-MSQUARE, International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Phsical Sciences


    August 27th-31st, 2018
  • 2006

    IWCIA 2006, International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis


    June 19th-21st, 2006
  • 2005

    ISVC 2005, International Symposium on Visual Computing

    December 5th-7th, 2005
  • 2005

    DGW 2005, Digital Geometry Workshop


    November 21st-24th, 2005
  • 2004

    Convegno ’Giornate di Geometria’


    November 11st-12nd, 2004
  • 2004

    Geometry, Topology and Combinatorics


    July 3th-6th, 2004
  • 2004

    European Congress of Mathematis (4ECM)


    June 27th - July 2nd, 2004
  • 2004

    Webbit 2004

    June 3th-4th, 2004
  • 2004

    Convegno ’Matematica e Cultura’


    March 26th-28th, 2004
  • 2003

    DGCI 2003 - Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery


    November 19th-21st, 2003
  • 2003

    ISGDA 2003, International Symposium on Graphs, Designs and Applications


    September 30th - October 3th, 2003
  • 2003

    Convegno 'Giornate di Geometria'


    December 4th-6th, 2003
  • 2002

    8th AHA, Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications


    September 1st-9th, 2002
  • 2002

    International Congress of Mathematicians 2002


    August 20th-28th, 2002
  • 2002

    6th Workshop on Combinatorics


    March 25th-27th, 2002
  • 2001

    Sixteenth Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications


    July 18th-21st, 2001
  • 2001

    IV Iberoamerican Conference on Topology and its Applications


    April 18th-21st, 2001
  • 2000

    First Turkish International Conference on Topology and Its Applications


    August 2nd-5th, 2000
  • 1999

    5th Workshop on Combinatorics


    November 8th-10th, 1999
  • 1999

    International Conference on Topology and its Applications

    Kanagawa University at Yokohama

    August 23th-27th, 1999

    Meeting on Topological Spaces Theory and its Applications


    August 28th-29th, 1999
  • 1999

    7th International Congress on Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications


    June 13th-19th, 1999
  • 1999

    III Congreso Iberoamericano de Topologia y sus Aplicaciones


    April 7th-9th, 1999
  • 1998

    IV Workshop on Domain

    October 2nd-4th, 1998
  • 1998

    VIII Convegno di Analisi Reale e Teoria della Misura (with a special session on Topology)

    September 22nd-26th, 1998
  • 1998

    27th Workshop of the International School of Mathematics on Convergence and Topology

    June 27th - July 2nd, 1998
  • 1997

    XIV International Congress of Topology


    September 15th-19th, 1997
  • 1996

    VIII Prague Topological Symposium


    August 19th-23rd, 1996
  • 1995

    Meeting of Topology and Geometry

    Università Politecnica delle Marche

    May 26th-27th, 1995
  • 1994

    Adunanza della Classe di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali dell'Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti


    December 19th, 1994
  • 1994

    XII National Congress of Topology


    May 13rd-14th, 1994
  • 1993

    XI International Congress of Topology


    Trieste, Italy – September 6th-11st, 1993
  • 1993

    Seminarios de Topologia sobre Espacios H-cerrados - Extensiones topologicas

    Departamento de Matematicas de la Universidad del Pais Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea AT BILBAO

    June 28th -July 7th, 1993
  • 1996
    San Felice del Benaco (Brescia), Italy

    Scuola Estiva di Geometria Combinatoria 1996

    Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Brescia

    July 14th-20th, 1996
  • 1994
    Eremo di Bienno (Brescia), Italy

    Scuola Estiva di Geometria Combinatoria 1994

    Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Brescia

    July 17th-23rd, 1994
  • 1992
    Perugia, Italy

    Corso estivo di Matematica

    Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria (SMI)

    July 26th- August 29th, 1992
  • 1992
    Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), Italy

    Workshop on Topology

    Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Salerno

    May 25th-29th, 1992


01 May 2023

On Some Novel Results About Weak Fuzzy Complex Matrices

Gretna, Los Angeles. USA

International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 21(7), pp. 134-140, 2022.

Journal Paper Alhasan Y.A., Alfahal A.M.A., Abdulfatah R.A., Nordo G., Zahra M.M.A.

On Some Novel Results About Weak Fuzzy Complex Matrices

Alhasan Y.A., Alfahal A.M.A., Abdulfatah R.A., Nordo G., Zahra M.M.A.
Journal Paper
The objective of this paper is to study the algebraic properties of weak fuzzy complex matrices, where many elementary properties will be obtained such as the invertibility, the determinants, and the eigen values and vectors. In addition, a full solution of linear systems of weak fuzzy complex equations will be provided as an effective and easy algorithm. Also, many examples to clarify the validity of our approach.
01 Mar 2023

A Complete Breakdown of Politics Coverage Using the Concept of Domination and Double Domination in Picture Fuzzy Graph

Basel, Switzerland

Symmetry 15(5), pp. 1-16, 2023.

Journal Paper Ismail R., Ullah Khan S., Al Ghour S., Hassan Abdullatif Al-Sabri E., Mohammed Saeed Mohammed M., Hussain S., Hussain F., Nordo G., Mehmood A.

A Complete Breakdown of Politics Coverage Using the Concept of Domination and Double Domination in Picture Fuzzy Graph

Ismail R., Ullah Khan S., Al Ghour S., Hassan Abdullatif Al-Sabri E., Mohammed Saeed Mohammed M., Hussain S., Hussain F., Nordo G., Mehmood A.
Journal Paper
The notion of fuzzy graph (FG) is widely used in many problems arising from partial or incomplete descriptions of the real world and in particular from fields such as engineering, economics, computer science, social disciplines, or medical diagnostics, and has been used in many fields of pure mathematics as well as in several areas of applied sciences such as decision making, statistics and networking. In this paper we will deal with the graph of the picture fuzzy(symmetric) set using the notion of domination in picture fuzzy graph (PFG) as a generalization of both the concept of fuzzy graph domination and intuitionistic fuzzy graph (IFG) domination. The concepts of domination theory (DT) and double domination theory (DDT) of a PFG are introduced, studied and concretely applied to the real case of an election competition to determine the minimum number of citizens a politician should meet in person in order to win the election. The choice of fuzzification (symmetric) and defuzzification (anti-symmetric) methods depends on the specific application and the type of fuzzy sets being used, whether they are symmetric or anti-symmetric. There are various methods for each process, such as centroid, max-min, and weighted average methods for defuzzification. Finally, in the last section, drawing from the application example, the features and benefits of PFGs with respect to fuzzy graphs and intuitionistic fuzzy graphs are compared and discussed.
02 Jan 2023

Combinatorial Image Analysis. Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA 2022

Berlin, Germany

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13348, pp. 1-331, 2023, ISBN: 978-3-031-23611-2; 978-3-031-23612-9

Curatorship Barneva R., Brimkov V.E., Nordo G.

Combinatorial Image Analysis. Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA 2022

Barneva R., Brimkov V.E., Nordo G.
This volume contains the proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA 2022) organized by the MIFT Department (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Earth Sciences) of the University of Messina, Italy and held during July 13-15, 2022.
01 Jan 2023

Preface in Combinatorial Image Analysis. Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA 2022

Berlin, Germany

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13348, pp. 5-6, 2023, ISBN: 978-3-031-23611-2; 978-3-031-23612-9

Preface Barneva R., Brimkov V.E., Nordo G.

Preface in Combinatorial Image Analysis. Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA 2022

Barneva R., Brimkov V.E., Nordo G.
Introduction to the proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA 2022) organized by the MIFT Department (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Earth Sciences) of the University of Messina, Italy and held during July 13-15, 2022. ISBN: 978-3-031-23611-2; 978-3-031-23612-9
01 Nov 2022

Interval-valued fermatean neutrosophic graphs

Belgrade, Serbia

Decision Making. Applications in Management and Engineering 5(2), pp. 176-200, 2022.

Journal Paper Broumi S., Sundareswaran R., Shanmugapriya M., Nordo G., Bakali A., Smarandache F.

Interval-valued fermatean neutrosophic graphs

Broumi S., Sundareswaran R., Shanmugapriya M., Nordo G., Bakali A., Smarandache F.
Journal Paper
In this work, we define Interval-valued Fermatean neutrosophic graphs (IVFNS) and present some operations on Interval-valued Fermatean neutrosophic graphs. Further, we introduce the concepts of Regular intervalvalued Fermatean neutrosophic graphs, Strong interval-valued Fermatean neutrosophic graphs, Cartesian, Composition, Lexicographic product of interval-valued Fermatean neutrosophic graphs. Finally, we give the applications of Interval-valued Fermatean neutrosophic graphs.
01 Jun 2022

Characterization of vague hyper soft alpha open sets

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 43(3), pp. 3789-3803, 2022.

Journal Paper Ishfaq M., Al Ghour S., Mehmood A., Afzal F., Li Z., Nordo G.

Characterization of vague hyper soft alpha open sets

Ishfaq M., Al Ghour S., Mehmood A., Afzal F., Li Z., Nordo G.
Journal Paper
In our work, we defined new operations in a new way in connection with vague hyper soft sets. These operations are vague hyper soft sets, vague hyper soft subsets, vague hyper soft complements, vague hyper soft null sets, vague hyper soft absolute sets, vague hyper soft union and vague hyper soft intersection. On the basis of these new operations vague hyper soft topology is defined. In addition, the concept of some generalized vague hyper soft open sets are reflected in vague hyper soft topology. Among these generalized vague hyper soft open sets vague hyper soft α-open set is selected to produce different structures. Finally, on the basis of this vague hyper soft α-open set some more results are addressed. Non-validity of some results are diffused with appropriate examples.
01 May 2022

Comprehensive note on characterization of neutrosophic soft P-open sets in neutrosophic soft quad-topological space

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 43(1), pp. 1519-1540, 2022.

Journal Paper Mehmood A., Al Ghour S., Afzal F., Nordo, G., Saleem N.

Comprehensive note on characterization of neutrosophic soft P-open sets in neutrosophic soft quad-topological space

Mehmood A., Al Ghour S., Afzal F., Nordo, G., Saleem N.
Journal Paper
This paper concern the study of the notions of some new definitions and results. Three new definitions are given namely, neutrosophic soft quad semi-open, neutrosophic soft quad pre-open and neutrosophic soft quad *b open sets in neutrosophic soft quad-topological spaces. Among these one of the interesting neutrosophic soft quad generalized open set known as neutrosophic soft quad pre-open set is chosen then on the basis of this definition some fundamentals are generated. These are including, neutrosophic soft quad interior, neutrosophic soft quad boundary, neutrosophic soft quad exterior and neutrosophic soft quad closer. In continuation, attention has been focused on neutrosophic soft separation axioms which are defined in terms of neutrosophic soft p-open sets with respect to soft points then on the basis of definitions and results given, neutrosophic soft separation axioms are discussed mostly in terms of neutrosophic soft closer of the sets. In addition, some more results are addressed in neutrosophic soft quad-opological spaces with respect to soft points. Stress has been given on the neutrosophic soft quad topological property. Lastly, results on product of neutrosophic soft quad topological spaces, Bolzano-Weierstrass Property, compactness, countably compactness and sequentially compactness are addressed in terms of neutrosophic soft p-open sets in neutrosophic soft quad topological spaces.
01 Apr 2022

Homogenization of the Semi-linear Parabolic Problem in a Perforated Cylinder

Moscow, Russia

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 43(7), pp. 1696-1706, 2022.

Journal Paper Matevossian H.A., Nordo G.

Homogenization of the Semi-linear Parabolic Problem in a Perforated Cylinder

Matevossian H.A., Nordo G.
Journal Paper
For a second-order semi-linear parabolic equation with the lowest term growing in an unknown function in a power-law manner, we prove that the sequence of solutions of a mixed problem in a perforated cylinder tends to the solution of the same problem in a non-perforated cylinder if the radii of the ejected balls, in the parabolic metric, tend to zero at a rate depending on the exponent in the lowest term.
12 Oct 2021

Biharmonic Problems and their Applications in Engineering and Technology


In: Engineering and Technology”, CHAOS2020: 13th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, Chapter 42, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, pp. 557-575, 2021.

Book Chapter Matevossian H., Nordo G., Migliaccio G.

Biharmonic Problems and their Applications in Engineering and Technology

Matevossian H., Nordo G., Migliaccio G.
Book Chapter
In the present paper we study some properties of solutions of biharmonic problems. Namely, we study the Steklov, Steklov-type and Neumann boundary value problems for the biharmonic equation. For solving these biharmonic problems with application, in particular, to radar imaging, we need to solve the Dirichlet, Neumann and Cauchy boundary value problems for the Poisson equation using the scattering model. In order to select suitable solutions, we solve the Poisson equation with the corresponding boundary conditions, that is, some criterion function is minimized in the Sobolev norms. Under appropriate smoothness assumptions, these problems may be reformulated as boundary value problems for the biharmonic equation.
20 Sep 2021

Biharmonic Navier and Neumann problems and their application in mechanical engineering

Moscow, Russia

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 42(8), pp. 1876-1885, 2021.

Journal Paper Matevossian H., Nikabadze M.U., Nordo G., Ulukhanyan A.R.

Biharmonic Navier and Neumann problems and their application in mechanical engineering

Matevossian H., Nikabadze M.U., Nordo G., Ulukhanyan A.R.
Journal Paper
We study the some properties of solutions of biharmonic problems. Namely, we study the boundary value problems Navier and Neumann for the biharmonic equation. For solving these biharmonic problems with application we need to solve boundary value problems Dirichlet and Cauchy for the Poisson equation using the scattering model. In order to select suitable solutions, we solve the Poisson equation with the corresponding boundary conditions, that is, some criterion function is minimized in the Sobolev norms. Under appropriate smoothness assumptions, these problems may be reformulated as boundary value problems for the biharmonic equation. The results of this paper are used to study mathematical problems in mechanical models using computational approaches, in particular, their application in advanced technologies in the aerospace and mechanical engineering, as well as in advances in materials science.
01 Sep 2021

Properties of alpha-open sets in ideal generalized topological spaces

Delhi, India

Poincaré Journal of Analysis and Applications 7, pp. 231-244, 2021.

Journal Paper Jafari S., Latif R.M., Nordo G., Rajesh N.

Properties of alpha-open sets in ideal generalized topological spaces

Jafari S., Latif R.M., Nordo G., Rajesh N.
Journal Paper
The aim of this paper is to introduce and characterize the concepts of \alpha-open sets and their related notions in ideal generalized topological spaces. Moreover, we obtain the decomposition of (g,g'))-continuity in ideal generalized topological space.
01 Nov 2020

Generalized neutrosophic separation axioms in neutrosophic soft topological spaces

Gallup (New Mexico), USA

Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 32, pp. 38-51, 2020.

Journal Paper Mehmood A., Nadeem F., Nordo G., Zamir M., Park C., Kalsoom H., Jabeen S., Khan M.

Generalized neutrosophic separation axioms in neutrosophic soft topological spaces

Mehmood A., Nadeem F., Nordo G., Zamir M., Park C., Kalsoom H., Jabeen S., Khan M.
Journal Paper
The idea of neutrosophic set was floated by Smarandache by considering a truth membership, an indeterminacy membership and a falsehood or falsity membership functions. The engagement between neutrosophic set and soft set was done by Maji. More over it was used e ffectively to model uncertainty in di fferent areas of application, such as control, reasoning, pattern recognition and computer vision. The fi rst aim of this paper leaks out the notion of neutrosophic soft p-open set,neutrosophic soft p-closed sets and their important characteristics. Also the notion of neutrosophic soft p-neighborhood and neutrosophic soft p-separation axioms in neutrosophic soft topological spaces are developed. Important results are examed marrying to these newly de fined notion relative to soft points. The notion of neutrosophic soft p-separation axioms of neutrosophic soft topological spaces is di used in di erent results concerning soft points. Furthermore, properties of neutrosophic soft-P^i-space (i = 0; 1; 2; 3; 4) and linkage between them is built up.
01 Oct 2020

Biharmonic problems and their application in engineering and medicine

Bristol, United Kingdom

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 934, pp. 1-10, 2020.

Conference Paper Matevossian H., Nordo G., Sako T.

Biharmonic problems and their application in engineering and medicine

Matevossian H., Nordo G., Sako T.
Conference Paper
In the present paper we study some properties of solutions of the Steklov and Neumann boundary value problems for the biharmonic equation. For solving these biharmonic problems with application in engineering and medicine, we need to solve boundary value problems Dirichlet and Cauchy for the Poisson equation using the scattering model. In order to select suitable solutions, we solve the Poisson equation with the corresponding boundary conditions Dirichlet and Cauchy, that is, some criterion function is minimized in the Sobolev norms. Under appropriate smoothness assumptions, these problems may be reformulated as boundary value problems for the biharmonic equation.
01 Sep 2020

Neutrosophic soft s-open sets

New York, USA

Sohag Journal of Mathematics 7(3), pp. 53-61, 2020.

Journal Paper Mehmood A., Nordo G., Nadeem F., Kalsoom H., Jabeen S., Gul M.

Neutrosophic soft s-open sets

Mehmood A., Nordo G., Nadeem F., Kalsoom H., Jabeen S., Gul M.
Journal Paper
This paper concerns the study of the notions of neutrosophic soft s-open set, neutrosophic soft s-neighborhood and neutrosophic soft s-separation axioms in neutrosophic soft topological spaces. By using such notions and that of neutrosophic soft point, we study the separation axioms s-T_i (with i = 0, . . .4), the s-regular and the s-normal neutrosophic soft topological spaces by proving some relationships between these classes of spaces and other results concerning hereditary and subspaces.
01 Jun 2020

Neutrosophic soft alpha-open set in neutrosophic soft topological spaces

Teheran, Iran

Journal of Algorithms and Computation 42, pp. 37-66, 2020.

Journal Paper Mehmood A., Nadeem F., Park C., Nordo G., Kalsoom H. Khan R.K., Abbas N.

Neutrosophic soft alpha-open set in neutrosophic soft topological spaces

Mehmood A., Nadeem F., Park C., Nordo G., Kalsoom H. Khan R.K., Abbas N.
Journal Paper
In this paper, the notion of generalized neutrosophic soft open set (GNSOS) in neutrosophic soft open set (GNSOS) in neutrosophic soft topological structures relative to neutrosophic soft points is introduced. The concept of generalized neutrosophic soft separation axioms in neutrosophic soft topological spaces with respect to soft points. Several related properties, structural characteristics have been investigated. Then the convergence of sequence in neutrosophic soft topological space is de ned and its uniqueness in generalized neutrosophic soft Hausdor space (GNSHS) relative to soft points is examined. Neutrosophic monotonous soft function and its characteristics are switched over to di erent results. Lastly, generalized neutrosophic soft product spaces with respect to crisp points have been addressed.
02 May 2020

A soft embedding theorem for soft topological spaces

London, United Kingdom

In: Developments and Novel Approaches in Nonlinear Solid Body Mechanics, vol. 130, Editors: Abali B., Giorgio I., . Springer, Cham, pp. 29-35, 2020.

Book ChapterJournal Paper Nordo G.

A soft embedding theorem for soft topological spaces

Nordo G.
Book ChapterJournal Paper
In this paper, based on the researches on soft set theory and soft topology, we introduce the notions of soft separation between soft points and soft closed sets in order to obtain a generalization of the well-known Embedding Theorem to the class of soft topological spaces.
01 May 2020

Behavior of solutions of the cauchy problem and the mixed initial boundary value problem for an inhomogeneous hyperbolic equation with periodic coefficients

London, United Kingdom

In: Developments and Novel Approaches in Nonlinear Solid Body Mechanics, vol. 130, Editors: Abali B., Giorgio I., . Springer, Cham, pp. 29-35, 2020.

Book Chapter Matevossian H., Nordo G., Vestyak A.V.

Behavior of solutions of the cauchy problem and the mixed initial boundary value problem for an inhomogeneous hyperbolic equation with periodic coefficients

Matevossian H., Nordo G., Vestyak A.V.
Book Chapter
We study the asymptotic as t → ∞ behavior of solutions u(x, t) of the Cauchy problem and the mixed initial boundary value problem for a second-order hyperbolic equation with periodic coefficients in R1 and on the semi-axis. In the case of non-homogeneous equation, initial and boundary data are zero, and the right-hand side of the equation is of the form f(x) exp(−iωt), where ω > 0 is real.
01 Feb 2020

Single valued neutrosophic filters

Gretna (Louisiana), USA

International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 6, pp. 8-21, 2020.

Journal Paper Nordo G., Mehmood A., Broumi S.

Single valued neutrosophic filters

Nordo G., Mehmood A., Broumi S.
Journal Paper
In this paper we give a comprehensive presentation of the notions of filter base, filter and ultrafilter on single valued neutrosophic set and we investigate some of their properties and relationships. More precisely, we discuss properties related to filter completion, the image of neutrosophic filter base by a neutrosophic induced mapping and the infimum and supremum of two neutrosophic filter bases.
15 Dec 2019

Soft b-separation axioms in neutrosophic soft topological structures

Jeolla, Korea

Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics 18, pp. 93-105, 2019.

Journal Paper Mehmood A., Nordo G., Zamir M., Park C., Hanif N., Nadeem F., Jabeen S.

Soft b-separation axioms in neutrosophic soft topological structures

Mehmood A., Nordo G., Zamir M., Park C., Hanif N., Nadeem F., Jabeen S.
Journal Paper
The idea of neutrosophic set was floated by Smarandache by supposing a truth membership, an indeterminacy membership and a falsehood or falsity membership functions. Neutrosophic soft sets bonded by Maji have been utilized successfully to model uncertainty in several areas of application such as control, reasoning, pattern recognition and  computer vision. The first aim of this article bounces the idea of neutrosophic soft b-open set, neutrosophic soft b-closed sets and their properties. Also the idea of neutrosophic soft b-neighborhood and neutrosophic soft b-separation axioms in neutrosophic soft topological structures are also reflected here. Later on the important results are discussed related to these newly de fined concepts with respect to soft points. The concept of neutrosophic soft b-separation axioms of neutrosophic soft topological spaces is di ffused in diff erent results with respect to soft points. Furthermore, properties of neutrosophic soft b-Ti-space (i = 0; 1; 2; 3; 4) and some linkage between them are discussed.
10 Dec 2019

Other separation axioms in soft bi-topological spaces

Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu), India

Malaya Journal of Matematik 7, pp. 724-734, 2019.

Journal Paper Mehmood A., Nadeem F., Zamir M., Nordo G., Park C., Gul M.

Other separation axioms in soft bi-topological spaces

Mehmood A., Nadeem F., Zamir M., Nordo G., Park C., Gul M.
Journal Paper
The main objective of this article is to introduce soft generalized separation axioms in soft bi topological spaces relative to crisp points and soft points. Further we will address the behavior of soft semi T_3 and soft normal semi T_4 spaces at different angles with respect to ordinary points as well as with respect to soft points. Hereditary properties are also discussed.
02 Dec 2019

Some biharmonic problems and their application in technology and medicine

Kutaisi, Georgia

In: Book of Abstracts: International Scientific Workshop "Related Problems of Continuum Mechanics, Section "Related problems of Analysis, Akaki Tsereteli State University, Kutaisi, October 31– November 1, 2019, p. 20, 2019.

Abstract Matevossian H., Nordo G., Sako T.

Some biharmonic problems and their application in technology and medicine

Matevossian H., Nordo G., Sako T.
In the present paper we study some properties of solutions of biharmonic problems. Namely, we study the Steklov and Steklov- type boundary value problems for the biharmonic equation. For solving these biharmonic problems with application in technology and medicine, we need to solve the Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary value problems for the Poisson equation using the scattering model. In order to select suitable solutions, we solve the Poisson equation with the corresponding boundary conditions Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin, that is, some criterion function is minimized in the Sobolev norms. Under appropriate smoothness assumptions, these problems may be reformulated as boundary value problems for the biharmonic equation.
01 Nov 2019

Homogenization of semilinear elliptic and parabolic operators in perforated domains

Kutaisi, Georgia

In: Book of Abstracts of the International Scientific Workshop "Related Problems of Continuum Mechanics, Section "Related problems of Analysis, Akaki Tsereteli State University, Kutaisi, October 31– November 1, 2019, p. 19, 2019.

Abstract Matevossian H., Nordo G.

Homogenization of semilinear elliptic and parabolic operators in perforated domains

Matevossian H., Nordo G.
A second order semi linear elliptic (parabolic) equation whose lower term has power-like growth at infinity with respect to the unknown function is considered. It is proved that a sequence of solutions in the perforated domains (cylinders) converges to a solution in the non-perforated domain (cylinder) as the diameters of the rejected balls (in parabolic metric) converge to zero with a rate depending on the power exponent of the lower term.
29 May 2019

Soft N-topological spaces



Preprint Nordo G.

Soft N-topological spaces

Nordo G.
Very recently, the idea of studying structures equipped with two or more soft topologies has been considered by several researchers. Soft bitopological spaces were introduced and studied, in 2014, by Ittanagi as a soft counterpart of the notion of bitopological space. and, independently, in 2015, by Naz, Shabir and Ali. In 2017, Hassan too introduced the concept of soft tritopological spaces and gave some first results. The notion of N-topological space related to ordinary topological spaces was instead introduced and studied, in 2011, by Tawfiq and Majeed. In this paper we introduce the concept of Soft N-Topological Space as generalization both of the concepts of Soft Topological Space and N-Topological Space and we investigate such class of spaces and their basic properties with particular regard to their subspaces, the parameterized families of crisp topologies generated by them and some new separation axioms called N-wise soft T_0, N-wise soft T_1, and N-wise soft T2.
01 Nov 2018

An embedding lemma in soft topological spaces

Kutais, Georgia

In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Related Problems of Continuum Mechanics, Kutaisi, 12-13 october 2018, Editors: Mikhail Nikabadze and Hovik Matevossian, pp. 194–199, 2018.

Conference Paper Nordo G.

An embedding lemma in soft topological spaces

Nordo G.
Conference Paper
In 1999, Molodtsov initiated the concept of Soft Sets Theory as a new mathematical tool and a completely different approach for dealing with uncertainties in many fields of applied sciences. In 2011, Shabir and Naz introduced and studied the theory of soft topological spaces, also defining and investigating many new soft properties as generalization of the classical ones. In this paper, we introduce the notions of soft separation between soft points and soft closed sets in order to obtain a generalization of the well-known Embedding Lemma for soft topological spaces.
01 Feb 2017

A note on dimension and gaps in digital geometry

Niš, Serbia

Filomat 31(5), pp. 1215-1227, 2017.

Journal Paper Maimone A., Nordo G.

A note on dimension and gaps in digital geometry

Maimone A., Nordo G.
Journal Paper
The notion of gap is quite important in combinatorial image analysis and it finds several useful applications in fields as CAD and computer graphics. On the other hand, dimension is a fundamental concept in General Topology and it was recently extended to digital objects. In this paper, we show that the dimension of a 2D digital object equipped with an adjacency relation A_\alpha (\alpha \in \{0,1\} ) can be determinated by the number of its gaps besides some other parameters like the number of its pixel, vertices and edges
01 Feb 2015

0-gaps on 3D digital curves

Moscow, Russia

Prikladnaja Matematika I Matematicheskaja Fizika 1, pp. 119-128, 2015.

Journal Paper Maimone A., Nordo G.

0-gaps on 3D digital curves

Maimone A., Nordo G.
Journal Paper
In digital geometry, gaps are some basic portion of a digital object that a discrete ray can cross without intersecting any voxel of the object itself. Such a notion is quite important in combinatorial image analysis and is strictly connected with some applications in fields as CAD and computer graphics. In this paper we prove that the number of 0-gaps of a 3D digital curve can be expressed as a linear combination of the number of its i-cells (i = 0, . . . , 3).
01 Feb 2013

A formula for the number of (n-2)-gap in digital n-objects

Niš, Serbia

Filomat 27(4), pp. 547-557, 2013.

Journal Paper Nordo G., Maimone A.

A formula for the number of (n-2)-gap in digital n-objects

Nordo G., Maimone A.
Journal Paper
We provide a formula that expresses the number of (n − 2)-gaps of a generic digital n-object. Such a formula has the advantage to involve only a few simple intrinsic parameters of the object and it is obtained by using a combinatorial technique based on incidence structure and on the notion of free cells. This approach seems suitable as a model for an automatic computation, and also allow us to find some expressions for the maximum number of i-cells that bound or are bounded by a fixed j-cell.
01 Feb 2011

On 1-gaps in 3D digital objects

Niš, Serbia

Filomat 25(3), pp. 85-91, 2011.

Journal Paper Nordo G., Maimone A.

On 1-gaps in 3D digital objects

Nordo G., Maimone A.
Journal Paper
In Digital Geometry, a gap is a location of a digital object through which a discrete ray can penetrate with no intersection. More specifically, for a 3D digital object we distinguish between 0- and 1-gaps depending on the relative position of such a ray. Although in some applications it is important to know how many gaps has a set of voxels, it is quite complicated to find an efficient algorithm to directly count them. In this paper, we provide a formula that states the number of 1-gaps of a generic 3D object using the notion of free cell of dimension 1 and 2.
01 Jun 2008

Genus and dimension of digital images and their time and space-efficient computation

Hackensack (New Jersey), USA

International Journal of Shape Modelling14, pp. 147-168, 2008

Journal Paper Brimkov V.E., Nordo G., Barneva R.P., Maimone A.

Genus and dimension of digital images and their time and space-efficient computation

Brimkov V.E., Nordo G., Barneva R.P., Maimone A.
Journal Paper
Studying topological characteristics of digital images is a fundamental issue in image analysis and understanding. In the present paper we first propose a linear time constant-working space algorithm for determining the genus of a connected digital image. The computation is based on a combinatorial relation for digital images that may be of independent interest as well. We also propose definitions of dimension for planar digital images. These definitions serve as an alternative to the one proposed by Mylopoulos and Pavlidis, and make up some of its shortcomings. We study various properties of the so-defined image dimension, in particular, characterization of dimension in terms of Euler characteristic. We also show that image dimension can be found within linear time and constant memory.
04 Nov 2006

The fine structures of three latin squares

Tempe (Arizona), USA

Journal of Combinatorial Designs 14, pp. 85-110, 2006.

Journal Paper Chang Y., Lo Faro G., Nordo G.

The fine structures of three latin squares

Chang Y., Lo Faro G., Nordo G.
Journal Paper
Denote by \mathrm{Fin}(v) the set of all integral pairs (t, s) for which there exist three Latin squares of order v on the same set having fine structure (t, s). We determine the set \mathrm{Fin}(v) for any integer v\ge 9.
10 Oct 2006

Counting gaps in binary pictures

Berlin, Germany

In Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA’ 06), Editors: Ralf Reulke, Ulrich Eckardt, Boris Flach, Uwe Knauer, Konrad Polthier, volume LNCS 4040, Springer, pp. 16–24, 2006.

Conference Paper Brimkov V.E., Maimone A., Nordo G.

Counting gaps in binary pictures

Brimkov V.E., Maimone A., Nordo G.
Conference Paper
An important concept in combinatorial image analysis is that of gap. In this paper we derive a simple formula for the number of gaps in a 2D binary picture. Our approach is based on introducing the notions of free vertex and free edge and studying their properties from point of view of combinatorial topology. The number of gaps characterizes the topological structure of a binary picture and is of potential interest in property-based image analysis.
01 Oct 2006

On the notion of dimension in digital spaces

Berlin, Germany

In Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA’ 06), Editors: Ralf Reulke, Ulrich Eckardt, Boris Flach, Uwe Knauer, Konrad Polthier, volume LNCS 4040, Springer, pp. 241–252, 2006.

Conference Paper Brimkov V.E., Maimone A., Nordo G

On the notion of dimension in digital spaces

Brimkov V.E., Maimone A., Nordo G
Conference Paper
Dimension is a fundamental concept in topology. Mylopoulos and Pavlidis provided a definition for discrete spaces. In the present paper we propose an alternative one for the case of planar digital objects. It makes up certain shortcomings of the definition from Mylopoulos and Pavlidis’s and implies dimensionality properties analogous to those familiar from classical topology. We also establish relations between dimension of digital objects and their Euler characteristic.
01 Jun 2005

The number of gaps in binary pictures

Berlin, Germany

In Proceedings of the First international conference on Advances in Visual Computing (ISVC’05), pp. 35–42, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2005.

Conference Paper Brimkov V.E., Maimone A., Nordo G., Barneva R.P., Klette R.

The number of gaps in binary pictures

Brimkov V.E., Maimone A., Nordo G., Barneva R.P., Klette R.
Conference Paper
This paper identifies the total number of gaps of object pixels in a binary picture, which solves an open problem in 2D digital geometry (or combinatorial topology of binary pictures). We obtain a formula for the total number of gaps as a function of the number of object pixels (grid squares), vertices (corners of grid squares), holes, connected components, and 2 × 2 squares of pixels. It can be used to test a binary picture (or just one region: e.g., a digital curve) for gap-freeness.
01 Mar 2005

An explicit formula for the number of tunnels in digital objects


Arxiv,, 2005

Preprint Brimkov V.E., Maimone A., Nordo G.

An explicit formula for the number of tunnels in digital objects

Brimkov V.E., Maimone A., Nordo G.
An important concept in digital geometry for computer imagery is that of tunnel. In this paper we obtain a formula for the number of tunnels as a function of the number of the object vertices, pixels, holes, connected components, and 2 × 2 grid squares. It can be used to test for tunnel-freedom a digital object, in particular a digital curve.
01 Jun 2004

Magill-type theorems for mappings

New York, USA

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 26, pp. 1379-1391, 2004

Journal Paper Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.

Magill-type theorems for mappings

Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.
Journal Paper
Magill’s and Rayburn’s theorems on the homeomorphism of Stone-Čech remainders and some of their generalizations to the remainders of arbitrary Hausdorff compactifications of Tychonoff spaces are extended to some class of mappings.
01 Feb 2004

F-Hurewicz spaces

Yatsushiro, Japan

Questions & Answers in General Topology 22, pp. 23-32, 2004.

Journal Paper Cammaroto F., Kocinac Lj., Nordo G.

F-Hurewicz spaces

Cammaroto F., Kocinac Lj., Nordo G.
Journal Paper
We investigate a generalization of spaces that satisfy the Hurewicz covering property. In particular we are interested in characterization of such spaces in terms of some properties of function spaces.
01 Oct 2003

On magill-type theorems for k-absolute spaces

New York, USA

Preprint Cammaroto F., Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.

On magill-type theorems for k-absolute spaces

Cammaroto F., Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.
Some generalizations and analogous of Magill’s theorem on the homeomorphism of the remainders of the Stone-Čech compacti cations of two spaces are obtained. Some classes of k-absolute spaces are indicated.
01 Jul 2003

On minimal-alpha-spaces

Prague, Czech Republic

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 44(4), pp. 727-740, 2003.

Journal Paper Nordo G., Lo Faro G., Porter J.R.

On minimal-alpha-spaces

Nordo G., Lo Faro G., Porter J.R.
Journal Paper
An \alpha-space is a topological space in which the topology is generated by the family of all \alpha-sets. In this paper the minimal- \alpha\mathcal{P}-space (where \mathcal{P} denotes several separation axioms) are investigated. Some new characterization for -spaces are also obtained.
01 Jun 2003

On completion of metric mappings

Yatsushiro, Japan

Questions & Answers in General Topology 21, pp. 65-73, 2003.

Journal Paper Nordo G.

On completion of metric mappings

Nordo G.
Journal Paper
An internal characterization of complete metric mappings (by means of Cauchy nets tied at a point) is given and a construction of the completionof a metric mapping is presented.
01 Feb 2003

Introduzione al LaTeX

Milano, Italy

Apogeo Editore, 2003, ISBN: 9788850310272.

Book Fazio R., Nordo G

Introduzione al LaTeX

Fazio R., Nordo G
The \LaTeX is a public domain system for the production of scientific texts of high typographic quality, consisting of a large set of highly flexible and customizable programs. This book originates from some notes written for the students of a regional course for Experts in Scientific Text Writing1 held, in 2000, at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Messina, in which the authors were called to teach two modules of LATEX. One of the motivations for collecting the notes of this course in an easy-to-follow handbook was the desire to have a text in Italian available to recommend to those who, in ever increasing numbers, request help with the use of \TeX, \LaTeX or programs such as Scientific WorkPlace, LyX, etc.
01 Jun 2002

Characterizing continuity in topological spaces

Yatsushiro, Japan

Questions & Answers in General Topology 20, pp. 39-43, 2002.

Journal Paper Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.

Characterizing continuity in topological spaces

Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.
Journal Paper
Welleman proved that a mapping of \mathbf{R} to \mathbf{R} is continuous iff the images of compact sets are compact and ones of connected sets are connected. Arenas and Puertas generalized the characterizazion of the continuity to mappings of locally connected first countable spaces to regular normal spaces. We generalize Arenas and Puertas’ results. download the paper
01 May 2002

On trivially semi-metrizable and D-completely regular mappings

Bologna, Italy

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana B 5-B, pp. 197-203, 2002.

Journal Paper Cammaroto G., Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.

On trivially semi-metrizable and D-completely regular mappings

Cammaroto G., Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.
Journal Paper
Trivially symmetrizable, trivially semi-metrizable and trivially D-completely regular mappings are defined. They are characterized as mappings parallel to symmetrizable, semi-metrizable and D-completely regular spaces correspondently. One shows that trivially D-completely regular mappings, i.e. submappings of fibrewise products of developable mappings coincide (up to homeomorphisms) with submappings of fibrewise products of semi-metrizable mappings.
01 May 2001

On the homeomorphism of spaces and magill-type theorems

Yatsushiro, Japan

Questions & Answers in General Topology 19(1), pp. 95-105, 2001.

Journal Paper Nordo G., Bludova I.V., Pasynkov B.A.

On the homeomorphism of spaces and magill-type theorems

Nordo G., Bludova I.V., Pasynkov B.A.
Journal Paper
Sufficient conditions for the homeomorphism of two topological spaces by means of some posets of their quotient of perfect mappings are given. As corollaries, some generalizations of Magill and Rayburn’s theorems on the homeomorphism of Stone-Čech remainders of two Tyconoff locally compact or k-absolute spaces are obtained.
01 Oct 2000

On trivially metrizable mappings

Yatsushiro, Japan

Questions & Answers in General Topology 18(1), pp. 117-119, 2000.

Journal Paper Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.

On trivially metrizable mappings

Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.
Journal Paper
The paper answers some questions posed by Pasynkov. In particular, it is presented a wide class of trivially metrizable but not closedly trivially metrizable mappings and an example of open submapping of a compact trivially metrizable mapping which is not parallel to any T_1-space of countable pseudocharcater. It is also proved that, for any compact trivially metrizable mapping to a paracompacta, there exists a totally bounded metric metrizing them.
01 Feb 2000

Perfect compactifications of functions

Prague, Czech Republic

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 41(3), pp. 619-629, 2000.

Journal Paper Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.

Perfect compactifications of functions

Nordo G., Pasynkov B.A.
Journal Paper
We prove that the maximal Hausdor ff compacti cation \chi f of a T_2 -compacti able mapping f and the maximal Tychonoff compacti cation \beta f of a Tychonoff mapping are perfect. This allows us to give a characterization of all perfect Hausdor ff (respectively, all perfect Tychonoff ) compacti cations of a T_2 -compacti able (respectively, of a Tychonoff ) mapping, which is a generalization of two results of Skljarenko for the Hausdorff compacti cations of Tychonoff spaces.  
01 Dec 1999

On the posets of all the hausdorff and all the tychonoff compactifications of continuous mappings

Yatsushiro, Japan

Questions & Answers in General Topology 17, pp. 47-55, 1999.

Journal Paper Nordo G., Bludova I.

On the posets of all the hausdorff and all the tychonoff compactifications of continuous mappings

Nordo G., Bludova I.
Journal Paper
We prove that the poset of all the Hausdorff (Tychonoff) compactifications of a compactifiable (Tychonoff) mapping is a complete upper semilattice.
01 Nov 1999

On generalized games in H-spaces

Prague, Czech Republic

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 40(1), pp. 175-180, 1999.

Journal Paper Nordo G., Cubiotti P.

On generalized games in H-spaces

Nordo G., Cubiotti P.
Journal Paper
We show that a recent existence result for the Nash equilibria of generalized games with strategy sets in H-spaces is false. We prove that it becomes true if we assume, in addition, that the feasible set of the game (the set of all feasible multistrategies) is closed.
01 Sep 1999

A brief survey on Fibrewise General Topology

Yatsushiro, Japan

Proceedings of the Meeting on Topological Spaces Theory and its Applications, Yatsushiro (Japan), august 28-29, 1999, pp. 39-49, 1999

Conference Paper Nordo G.

A brief survey on Fibrewise General Topology

Nordo G.
Conference Paper
We present some recent results in Fibrewise General Topology with special regard to the theory of Tychonoff compactifications of mappings. Several open problems are also proposed.
01 Sep 1998

Compattificazioni perfette di funzioni

Rome, Italy

Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica, consorzio universitario Catania, Messina, Palermo, VIII ciclo , tutore: F. Cammaroto, coordinatore: A. Giambruno BNI: BN 99-485T, (Italian), 1998.

Thesis Nordo G.

Compattificazioni perfette di funzioni

Nordo G.
In General Topology, continuous functions occur naturally as more general objects than spaces. In fact, it is evident that every topological space can be trivially identified with a continuous function defined on it and with values in a space consisting of a single point. Since the early 1950s, this simple observation has suggested the idea of studying particular properties of continuous functions which, – reflecting in some way known properties for spaces – could generalize them. In 1975 Uljanov, studying first numerable compactifications of topological spaces, gave an impetus to this theme by introducing the notion of Hausdorff function, but it was not until 1984 that Pasynkov dealt in a broad and systematic way with the generalization of notions and properties of spaces to continuous functions, thus laying the foundations of the Fibrewise General Topology for Fireb (briefly FGT). In this thesis, the properties of compactifications of a continuous function are studied. Since unlike spaces, there are compact and Hausdorff functions that are not completely regular, in FGT it becomes necessary to study separately Hausdorff compactions of compactiable functions and Tychonoff compactions of Tychonoff functions.
01 Feb 1998

The semilattice of compactifications of a tychonoff function

Niš, Serbia

Filomat 12, pp. 9-19, 1998

Journal Paper Nordo G.

The semilattice of compactifications of a tychonoff function

Nordo G.
Journal Paper
In this paper we continue the study of \mathcal{P}-functions started in some previous works. In particular, for the property \mathcal{P}[\katex]=Tychonoff. We descrive a simple tecnique to obtain a Tychonoff compactification of any Tychonoff function and we study the set of all Tychonoff compactifications of a Tychonoff function, showing that it is a complete upper semilattice.
01 Oct 1997

A basic approach to the perfect extensions of spaces

Prague, Czech Republic

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 38(3), pp. 571-580, 1997.

Journal Paper Nordo G.

A basic approach to the perfect extensions of spaces

Nordo G.
Journal Paper
In this paper we generalize the notion of perfect compacti cation of a Tychono ff space to a generic extension of any space by introducing the concept of perfect pair. This allow us to simplify the treatment in a basic way and in a more general setting. Some Skljarenko and Diamond’s results are improved and new characterizations for perfect (Hausdorff ) extensions of spaces are obtained.
01 Jun 1997

An algorithm on number of isomorphisms classes of hypergroups of order 3

Udine, Italy

Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2, pp. 37-42, 1997.

Journal Paper Nordo G.

An algorithm on number of isomorphisms classes of hypergroups of order 3

Nordo G.
Journal Paper
An algorithm which computes the number of S_3 of isomorphism classes of hypergroups of order 3 and the cardinality of each class of isomorphism is given.
01 Apr 1996

A note on perfectification of mappings

Yatsushiro, Japan

Questions & Answers in General Topology 14, pp. 107-110, 1996

Journal Paper Nordo G.

A note on perfectification of mappings

Nordo G.
Journal Paper
A general construction to obtain a perfect dense extension of any function is presented here. Whyburn and Dickman results are improved.
01 Sep 1995

Introduccion a los espacios h-cerrados – principales contribuciones a las formas debiles de compacidad – problemas abiertos

Bilbao, Spain

Mathematicae Notae 38, pp. 47-77, 1995

Journal Paper Nordo G., Cammaroto F., Gutierrez J., De Prada M.A.

Introduccion a los espacios h-cerrados – principales contribuciones a las formas debiles de compacidad – problemas abiertos

Nordo G., Cammaroto F., Gutierrez J., De Prada M.A.
Journal Paper
A survey on H-closed, minimal-Hausdor spaces and more generally P-closed, minimal-P spaces is given. Spetial attention is paid to generalizations of compactness. Some open problems are proposed.
01 Nov 1994

On product of P-functions

Messina, Italy

Atti dell'Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali LXXII, pp. 465-478, 1994.

Journal Paper Nordo G.

On product of P-functions

Nordo G.
Journal Paper
It is shown that the \mathcal{P}-functions for the topological properties \mathcal{P}=T_0, T_1,, Hausdorff, regular, introduced by Pasynkov and \mathcal{P}= Urysohn, almost regular and semiregular, introduced by the author and Cammaroto.
01 Oct 1994

On Urysohn, almost regular and semiregular functions

Niš, Serbia

Filomat 8, pp. 71-80, 1994

Journal Paper Nordo G., Cammaroto F.

On Urysohn, almost regular and semiregular functions

Nordo G., Cammaroto F.
Journal Paper
In this paper we introduce the notion of Urysoh, almost-regular and semiregular functions. Problems of heredity have been studied for this kinds of functions. It is also shown that every almost regular Hausdorff function is an Urysohn function and that a function is regular if and only if is almost regular and semiregular.


  • Now
    Nov, 2005
    Messina, Italy

    Aggregate Professor

    University of Messina

    Teaching the courses of:
    • Fundamentals of Computer Science (Fondamenti di Informatica) for the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (L-35)
    • Models and Computational Methods for Geometry (Modelli e Metodi Computazionali per la Geometria) for the Master’s degree course in Mathematics (LM-40)
    at MIFT Department of the Messina University.
    In the past I have also taught courses in Topology, Geometry III, Digital Topology, Institutions of Higher Geometry and Computational Geometry.
  • Now
    Feb, 1997
    Messina, Italy

    Confirmed Researcher

    University of Messina

    Confirmed Researcher in the scientific disciplinary field MAT/03 (Geometry). Research activities in the fields of General Topology, Fibrewise Topology, Digital Geometry, Soft Topology, and Neutrosophic Topology.

I am a member of the Editorial Board of the following scientific journals:

  • 2018
    Gretna, (Louisiana), USA

    International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS)

    American Scientific Publishing Group

    Editors-in-Chief: S. Broumi and F. Smarandache
    ISSN (Print): 2692-6148
    ISSN (Online): 2690-6805
  • 2018
    Gallup (New Mexico), USA

    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems (NSS)

    University of New Mexico (UNM)

    Editor-in-Chief: Florentin Smarandache
    ISSN (print): 2331-6055
    ISSN (online): 2331-608X
  • 2014
    Moscow, Russia

    Prikladnaâ Matematika i Matematičeskaâ Fizika (Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics)

    Academy of Sciences, Publishing house “Nauka”

    Editors-in-Chief: A. Damlamian and V.V. Zhikov
    ISSN: 2312-0975

I perform, upon request, peer review activities, as Referee, for the following international scientific journals:

  • Udine, Italy

    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM)

    University of Udine

    Editors-in-Chief: Piergiulio Corsini, Irina Cristea
  • Maracaibo, Venezuela

    Divulgaciones Matematicas

    Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Universidad del Zulia

    Editor-in-Chief: Tobías Rosas Soto


    Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis

    ISSN: 2406-0933
  • United Kingdom

    International Journal of Computer Mathematics (IJCM)

    Taylor & Francis

    Editors-in-Chief: Choi-Hong Lai, A.Q.M. Khaliq, Q. Sheng
    ISSN: 0020-7160 (print)
    ISSN: 1029-0265 (oline)
  • New York, USA

    Sohag Journal ofMathematics (SJM)

    Natural Sciences Publishing\
    ISSN 2375-2874 (print)
    ISSN 2375-2890 (online)
  • Shiraz, Iran

    Journal of Mathematical Extension (JME)

    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Islamic Azad University-Shiraz Branch

    Editor-in-Chief: K. Jahedi
    ISSN: 1735-8299 (print)
    ISSN: 2476-7719 (online)
  • Zielona Góra, Poland

    Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications (DMGAA)

    Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometrics, University of Zielona Góra

    Editor-in-Chief: Joanna Skowronek-Kaziów
    ISSN: 1509-9415 (print version)
    ISSN: 2084-0373 (electronic version)
  • New York, USA

    Mathematical Sciences Letters (MSL)

    Natural Sciences Publishing

    Editors-in-Chief: Ioannis P. Stavroulakis, A.-S. F. Obada, Murli M. Gupta
  • Gretna, (Louisiana), USA

    International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS)

    American Scientific Publishing Group

    Editors-in-Chief: S. Broumi and F. Smarandache
    ISSN (Print): 2692-6148
    ISSN (Online): 2690-6805
  • Amsterdam, Holland

    Discrete Applied Mathematics


    Editor-in-Chief: Endre Boros
    ISSN: 0166-218X
  • Taipei Taiwan

    Soochow Journal of Mathematics

    Department of Mathematics, Soochow University

  • Zagreb, Croatia

    Glasnik Matematicki

    Croatian Mathematical Society and Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia

    Editor-in-Chief: Drazen Adamovic
    ISSN 0017-095X (print)
    ISSN 1846-7989 (online)
  • 2018
    Messina, Italy

    Coordinator of the Research Unit on Soft and Neutrosophical Topology

    MIFT, Messina University

    Research activity in the fields of Soft Topology and Neutrosophical Topology jointly with colleagues from Pakistan, Iran, India, Turkey, Morocco and Denmark
  • 2009
    Messina, Italy

    Coordinator of the Research Unit on Digital Geometry

    Research activity in the fields of Digital Geometry and Digital Topology jointly with colleagues from USA and New Zealand.
  • 2007
    Reggio Calabria, Italy

    President of the Organizing, Scientific and Technical Committee of Mamboday 2007


    Organization of Mamboday 2007, an ICT workshop aimed at developers and users of the CMS Mambo (project now become Joomla!) theld at the Green Room of the Regional Council of Calabria from 22th to 23rd November 2007.
  • 2006
    Venezia, Italy

    Member of the Organizing, Scientific and Technical Committee of MamboDay 2006

    SupportoMambo, equal, VeniceCube, FaberAdv, ITC-CNR

    Organization of Mamboday 2006, an ICT workshop aimed at developers and users of the CMS Mambo (project now become Joomla!) theld at VeniceCube, the business incubator of the City of Venice, from 10th to 11th November 2006
  • 2005
    Messina, Italy

    Scientific Responsible of the scientific research program PRA 2005 titled "Geometria Digitale" (Digital Geometry)

    University of Messina

    Protocol: ORME058915
    Area: 01 - Mathematical and informatics sciences
    Duration: from 01-10-2005 to 30-09-2006
    Commitment: 6 months man
  • 2005
    Messina, Italy

    President of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the Digital Geometry Workshop (DGW2005)

    Mathematics Department of Messina University

    Organization (co-chaired by prof. F. cammaroto and V. Brimkov from Buffalo University, NY, USA) of DGW2005, the first Digital Geometry Workshop held at the Department of Mathematics of Messina from 21st to 24th November 2005.
  • 2005
    Portici (Napoli), Italy

    Member of the Organizing, Scientific and Technical Committee of MamboDay 2005

    Università di Napoli Federico II, Università di Napoli Partenope, Università di Salerno, Mambo Foundation

    Organization of Mamboday 2005, an ICT workshop aimed at developers and users of the CMS Mambo (project now become Joomla!) theld at CRIAI, Consortium Campano of Search for the Informatics and the Industrial Automation, in Portici from 4th to 5th November 2005
  • 2004
    Messina, Italy

    Member of the Organizing Committee of the Congress "Giornate di Geometria" (Days of Geometry)

    Mathematics Department of Messina University

    November 11st-12nd, 2004
  • 2003
    Messina, Italy

    Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Symposium on Graphs, Designs and Applications (ISGDA 2003)

    Mathematics Department of Messina University

    September 30th - October 4th, 2003
  • 2002
    Messina, Italy

    Member of the Organizing Committee of the 6th Workshop on Combinatorics

    Mathematics Department of Messina University

    March 25th-27th, 2002
  • 1997
    Milazzo (Messina), Italy

    Member of the Organizing Committee of the XIV International Congress of Topology

    Mathematics Department of Messina University

    September 15th-19th, 1997
  • Dec, 2000
    Jan, 2001
    Bilbao, Spain

    Visiting Researcher

    Universidad del Pais Vasco

    Conducted seminarial activities at the Departamento de Matemàticas and joint research with prof. Marta Macho Stadler in the fields of General Topology and Fibrewise Topology.
  • Aug, 1995
    Sep, 1995
    Moscow, Russia

    Visiting Researcher

    Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Conducted joint scientific research in the fields of Fibrewise Topology with prof. B.A. Pasynkov.
  • Mar, 1995
    May, 1995
    Lawrence (Kansas), USA

    Visiting Researcher

    Kansas University

    Conducted joint scientific research in the fields of General Topology and Fibrewise Topology with prof. J.R. Porter and partecipated to seminarial activities of the Mathematics Department of the Kansas University in Lawrence.
  • Jun, 1993
    Jul, 1993
    Bilbao, Spain

    Visiting Researcher

    Universidad del Pais Vasco

    Conducted scientific research jointly with prof. J. Gutierrez, M.A. De Prada and held a lecture on P-functions.
  • Sep, 1986
    Dec, 1992
    Reggio Calabria, Italy

    Computer Science Teacher

    ENIPLA, Regione Calabria

    Teaching Computer Science in professional training courses for Analysts/Programmers


  • 2020
    Messina, Italy

    Fundamentals of Computer Science (Fondamenti di Informatica)

    University of Messina

    60 hours course (6 CFU, training credits) of fundaments of computer science, including notions of algorithms theory and programming in C, Pascal/Delphi and Python languages for first-year students in the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics.
  • 2016
    Messina, Italy

    Models and Methods for Computational Geometry (Modelli e Metodi Computazionali per la Geometria)

    University of Messina

    48 hours course (6 CFU, training credits) on computational geometry and related computer applications for second-year students for the Master’s Degree in Mathematics.
  • 2011
    Messina, Italy

    Geometry III (Geometria III)

    University of Messina

    48 hours course (6 CFU, training credits) on General Topology and Cardinal Number Theory for third-year students in the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics.
  • 2008
    Messina, Italy

    Models and Methods for Graphical Geometry (Modelli e Metodi Grafici per la Geometria)

    University of Messina

    48 hours course (6 CFU, training credits) on computational geometry and related computer applications for second-year students for the Master’s Degree in Mathematics.
  • 2008
    Messina, Italy

    Laboratory of Didactics of Mathematics (Laboratorio di Didattica della Matematica)

    University of Messina

    Module placed inside the course of Geometry for the Master’s Degree in Mathematics of the Messina University.
  • 2003
    Messina, Italy

    Digital Topology (Topologia Digitale)

    University of Messina

    48 hours course (6 CFU, training credits) on digital geometry and topology for the Master’s Degree in Mathematics.
  • 2004
    Messina, Italy

    Computational Geometry (Geometria Computazionale)

    University of Messina

    Module on Computational Geometry placed inside the course of Combinatorial Geometry for the Master’s Degree in Mathematics of the Messina University.
  • 2000
    Messina, Italy

    Topology (Topologia

    University of Messina

    48 hours course (6 CFU, training credits) on General Topology for the Master’s Degree in Mathematics.
  • 2000
    Messina, Italy

    Higher Geometry II module (II modulo di Istituzioni di Geometria Superiore)

    University of Messina

    48 hours course (6 CFU, training credits) on General Topology for the Master’s Degree in Mathematics.
  • 1996
    Messina, Italy

    Informatics and Statistics (Informatica e Statistica)

    University of Messina

    60 hours course on fundaments of Computer Science and Statistics for the Master’s Degree in Pharmacy of the Messina University.
  • 1996
    Messina, Italy

    Practice of Higher Geometry (Esercitazioni di Geometria Superiore)

    University of Messina

    Course supplements, seminars and tutorials for the Master’s Degree in Mathematics of the Messina University.
  • 1998
    Messina, Italy

    Practice of Geometry (Esercitazioni di Geometria)

    University of Messina

    Course supplements, tutorials and exercises for the Master’s Degree in Mathematics of the Messina University.
  • 2005
    Messina, Italy

    Computational Geometry (Geometria Computazionale)

    University of Messina

    32 hours course for the XIX cycle of the PhD in Mathematics of the Messina University
  • 2000
    Messina, Italy

    Laboratory of Didactics of Mathematics (Laboratorio di Didattica della Matematica)

    University of Messina

    Course for the first year of SISSIS, Sicilian Inter-University School of Specialization for Secondary Teaching in Physical, Information Technology and Mathematics (competition classes 47/A and 49/A) for graduates organized by Messina University
  • 1999
    Messina, Italy

    Fibrewise General Topology (Topologia Generale per Fibre)

    University of Messina

    40 hours course for the XV cycle of the PhD in Mathematics of the Messina University
  • Jan 2015
    Messina, Italy

    Introduzione ai Frattali mediante Sistemi di Funzioni Iterate

    University of Messina

    Master’s Degree Thesis by Carmela Aliberti
  • Dec 2013
    Messina, Italy

    Una introduzione agli Spazi Topologici Digitali

    University of Messina

    Master’s Degree Thesis by Angela Santoro
  • Mar 2009
    Messina, Italy

    Gap e Dimensione negli Spazi Digitali

    University of Messina

    Ph.D. Thesis by Angelo Maimone
  • Jul 2003
    Messina, Italy

    Funzioni Metriche in Topologia Generale per Fibre

    University of Messina

    Master’s Degree Thesis by Angelo Maimone
  • Sep 2002
    Messina, Italy

    Teoria delle Compattificazioni di Funzioni in Topologia per Fibre

    University of Messina

    Master’s Degree Thesis by Francesco Raffa


Python programming > Good knowledge of intermediate level programming language and techniques. Fair knowledge of PyCharm and Visual Studio Code development environments.
LEVEL : Intermediate EXPERIENCE : 3 years
Python PyCharm Visual Studio Code
Pascal/Delphi > Long experience in Pascal programming and in the use of RAD systems for prototyping and developing visual applications in Windows environment.
LEVEL : Intermediate EXPERIENCE : 20 years
Pascal Delphi Lazarus
Visual Basic > Discrete experience in prototyping and developing visual applications in Windows environment by using the classical Microsoft RAD Visual Basic.
LEVEL : Intermediate EXPERIENCE : 15 years
C/C++ > Fair experience programming in C and C++, good knowledge of elementary data structures and fundamental algorithms.
LEVEL : Intermediate EXPERIENCE : 12 years
C C++
PHP programming > Good knowledge of the language and many of its libraries. Complete autonomy in the realization of web applications also complex using SQL database. Fair knowledge of the Dreamweaver visual editor. Fair knowledge of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) software/web development paradigm and of the CodeIgniter framework. I was the only Italian to be part of the small international working group called Core Dev Team in charge of developing the famous CMS (Content Management System, a web application for content management and the creation of Internet portals) called Mambo, better known today as Joomla.
LEVEL : Intermediate EXPERIENCE : 18 years
PHP MySQL CodeIgniter
HTML / CSS / AJAX > Good knowledge of HTML markup language and CSS style language (in its various versions) and fair knowledge of AJAX asynchronous interaction techniquesbased on scripting language JavaScript and the library JQuery. Excellent skills and experience in the design and development of accessible websites conforming to XHTML 1.0, CSS and WAI WCAG 1.0 requirements of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), as well as the specifications required by Law January 9, 2004, n. 4 (Stanca Law).
LEVEL : Intermediate EXPERIENCE : 20 years
HTML5 CSS3 CodeIgniter JavaScript JQuery WCAG 1.0
Flutter/Dart > Ability to independently design and build cross-platform applications (Android and IOS) for mobile systems (smartphones and tablets) using the Dart language and the Flutter framework.
LEVEL : Intermediate EXPERIENCE : 2 years
Flutter Dart
Office Automation > Excellent knowledge of Windows operating systems (in the various versions) and Office package as well as most of the internet communication tools, browsers as: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Chrome, etc. and mail client as Thunderbird and Outlook. Fair knowledge of Linux and Unix operating systems and the main Open Source software available for them.
LEVEL : Intermediate EXPERIENCE : 25 years
Windows Linux Windows Office


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